LINKS - references
Marcos Manhaes Marins - Fibra Cine Video - Fibra E.I.C. Ltda. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cultural Project "CHATEAUBRIAND - Cabeca de Paraiba" - SAC/SDAv/MinC * REGISTERED in STIC - Brazilian Cinema Laborers Union * REGISTERED in SATED - Brazilian Artists Union * INTERNET MOVIE DATABASE/United Kingdom registered filmography,+Marcos -----------------------Electronic Addresses -------------------------- Coming soon: ---------------------------------------------------------- Site CINEMABRAZIL is inside the following institutions: * MERCOSUR/MERCOSUL - ARGENTINA * THE CINEMA CONNECTION -WORLD CINEMA - AUSTRALIA * BOOKMARKS - WAGNER BARRELLA - DINAMARCA * RML MOVIE DATABASE - AUSTRALIA * SESC SAO PAULO * GOVERNO do Rio Grande do Sul - DICAS QUENTES * Singapore Business Directory -- Movie Pages - SINGAPURA * First News - Internet at Home - Movie, RTV - MEXICO * Uni-Enlargen - ALEMANHA * FreeWorld - ONGS DA BAHIA - ITALIA * COMISSÃO MUNICIPAL DE CINEMA E VÍDEO DE SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS * CENTENARIO DEL CINE INTERNACIONAL - ESPANHA And it can be found in: * TOURISM IN BRAZIL - PORTUGAL * FILM BY NERD WORLD MEDIA - USA * HORIZONTES BBS - Image Link * BRAZIL.WEB * BENVINDO AO BRAZIL * BRAZILIS INDEX * NEW LIFE NETWORK * ESQUINA DAS LISTAS gateway * Newsgroup chateaubriand at line:)inscreva chateaubriand * GUIAWEB * WEB CENTRAL BRAZIL - Arts * SERVNET-BAHIA * Webcatcher report for 29 Oct 1995 * FOLHA DE S.PAULO - FOLHAWEB - NETVOX * Homepages.Br A-Z - Catalog of Brazilian HomePages INTERNET World * Article in the Los Angeles Magazine NEWS FROM BRAZIL Feb.96 - CALIFORNIA-USA * Page 23 of MAGAZINE DOTNET .net - Brazilian Edition /Feb. 96 * Article in Los Angeles Magazine NEWS FROM BRAZIL April.96 - CALIFORNIA-USA * CADE? - directory of Brazilian HomePages * CINEMANIACS - Catalogs - USA * CINEMEDIA AUSTRALIA * PANAMNET BRAZIL * BANCA TAI' DE JORNAIS image link * TV's BRASILEIRAS * CYBER HIGHWAY - Movies and Television * ONLINE WWW INDEX * BRASNET - LAZER E CULTURA * MUNDONET DIRECTORY * MANTEL MEDIA MAGAZINE Home Pages E-F * TATI's PAGE * FELICIA - CINEMAS's PAGE * SAGRES * Almost all SEARCH engines in INTERNET (Infoseek, Lycos, etc.)Your homepage URL can be here for free! If you do not have a homepage, BUT you are one among the film makers of the films in the CATALOG, send us your e-mail and a simple photo that reminds the project.
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